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Tina & Dave return from Cleveland USA trip, visiting Sifco ASC head office.

TEI further establish working relationships and discuss the on going business of Selective Electro Brush plating. 

Sifco ASC purchased Liquid Development Company at the end of 2015. Dave and Tina’s visit to Cleveland was to further establish working relationships and discuss the on going business of Selective Electro Brush plating. Some of the topics covered included training, chemical production, chemical sales, agencies and new business opportunity. The visit was extremely successful.

Todd Romanski, Scott Peterson and the Sifco staff made TEI’s visit the success it was. 5 days of meetings and discussions covering TEI’s Australasian agency for the Selective Electro Brush Plating process.

It was agreed that along with the LDC agency, TEI will now be able to offer to their customers the Sifco Selective Plating application. TEI has now been accepted as a Sifco agent. Further details will follow with regards to this.

Having now seen first hand how Sifco operates with the extensive tour of their plating workshop and chemical manufacture, the visit was extremely informative and productive. Giving both Tina and Dave a further insite into the successful operations of Sifco. TEI is very excited at the new prospects and options now available to them and their customers.

Over the next few months we will be able to let our customers and clients know what TEI has in store for the future.  It will be of huge benefit to our Selective Electro Brush plating customers and clients alike.

TEI NZ would like to officially thank Todd and the Sifco staff for making their trip to the USA a success.

Vung Tau was the latest training destination for TEI NZ Limited

TEI NZ Limited was engaged by Rentatool in Vung Tau, Vietnam to carry out SIFCO training

Dave Kapluggin was engaged by Rentatool in Vung Tau, Vietnam to carry out training instruction after purchasing the equipment and chemical solutions for Sifco through TEI NZ Limited, who has the Australasian agency.

The training was carried out at the very well equipped workshop in Vung Tau.  Dave was extremely impressed with the Quality of the business and all of the staff and management.

The owner,  Mr Bach Vu Thuy was very switched on, knowing exactly what he wanted.  All the staff at Rentatool had a great appreciation of him as the head of the organisation.  The training was for the repair of the equipment that they rented out and for general repair work for the Oil and Gas plants in Vietnam.  Rentatool was the only company that Dave has been to that has its own Ball Valve Polishing and Lapping Machines.

All of the staff and management were very interested  with the Sifco Selective Brush Plating process and were totally engaged with all of the training.  All aspects of the Sifco Process was talked about.  The plating training covered General Engineering, Hydraulics, Gearboxes, Ball Valves and Miss Machined parts.

The training went extremely well and all of the students received their certificates after the final test was completed.  Dave Kapluggin was looked after very well by all of the members of the management team who were very appreciative and invested in the training.  Different restaurants every night, finishing with 15 of the Rentatool staff members giving Dave a thank you party and certificate presentation.

TEI NZ Limited would like to personally thank Rentatool for their hospitality and generosity making Dave feel so welcomed.  Rentatool was a great example of training excellence.  Thank you!

If you would like to find out more about our Training Packages, please email dave@tei.co.nz or tina@tei.co.nz  for more information

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